tangyuan in black tea


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50g 糯米粉
適量 過濾水 (水一點一點加,成團就好,如果麵團太溼就加粉補救)

* 如果想做粉紅色湯圓,可以用甜菜根粉加入成團的麵團,或是直接用過濾過的火龍果汁和麵,取代人工色素。

1大匙 紅茶葉
600ml 開水 (這次泡5分鐘)
3大匙 砂糖 (隨喜調整)

black tea for tangyuan

Tangyuan (湯圓) is the most iconic traditional food in Taiwan during winter solstice. Its round shape symbolizes family reunion and wholesome living.

When I was little, my granny would prepare the dough and all we grandchildren took part in the making of each little Tangyuan. Traditionally, Tangyuan was made with glutinous rice flour and water, typically with half of the dough in regular and the other half colored pink or red to symbolize “gold” and “silver” to wish for good luck. The atmosphere was festive and cheering like Lunar New Year, and we kids were told that we would be one year older after eating Tangyuan soup.

In different areas of Taiwan, the shape and flavor of Tangyuan varies. While we cook Tangyuan in sugar water, the Hakka people prepare it with savory soup and vegetable, some even with meat fillings. Now you can find more different flavors in supermarket during this season.

This year I tried cooking Tangyuan in black tea, and it turned out satisfying. Sometimes the sweet filling is too sweet for me, but black tea made the sweetness subtle and balanced.

Ingredient for Tangyuan:

approx. 50g glutinous rice flour
approx 20~25g water (add gradually until it forms a slightly stiff dough)

*For pink Tangyuan, add beetroot powder to the dough or substitute water with beetroot juice to replace artificial food coloring.

Ingredient for Black Tea:
1tbsp black tea
600ml boiling water (let sit for 5 minutes, the tea will reduce when you cook Tangyuan)
3tbsp sugar (to taste)

Cook Tangyuan until floating on the tea.



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